Wednesday 16 October 2019

Call for Emerging Scholar Speaker Series

The William Morris Society of Canada is looking for proposals from young and emerging scholars on the broad subject of the Arts and Crafts.
The topics may include, but are not limited to: the Pre-Raphaelites, William Morris (life and works), the handmade, craft, literature, poetry, textiles, furniture, ceramics, intersectional feminism, woodcarving, fashion, Socialism, popular culture, etc.

The WMSC asks that you submit a 250 word proposal to with the subject headline: "Emerging Scholar Speaker Series".
If you are an undergraduate, we ask for a 20-minute presentation. Graduate students and emerging scholars (within the first 5 years of your career) we ask for a 1-hour presentation.
Presentations will be given in Toronto, scheduled in 2020.

Due date is November 15th, 2019.

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