Wednesday 11 November 2020

David Parr House Zoom Lecture

 David Parr House

Zoom Lecture
November 21st, 2pm EST

Tamsin Wimhurst will be giving WMSC members an online lecture about UK's Arts & Crafts home: David Parr House.

From the moment that Tamsin first saw the house in 2009 she knew she had discovered something special, but how could such a house be saved? The only way seemed to be for her and her husband Mike to purchase the house and set up a charity in 2014, the aim being to conserve the house and open it up to the public. The project also needed many experienced people to work out how to open such a small and fragile interior. As Tamsin was told early on, ‘you have all the issues of a stately home but on a much smaller scale and that does not make it any easier’.

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