Saturday, 26 November 2022

WMSC Holiday Party 2022

WMSC Holiday Party 2022

Hosted at the Faculty Club, UofT

The WMSC holiday dinner party will be held on Dec. 20, 2022 at the Faculty Club, at the University of Toronto.  This will be a three course sit-down dinner with full plated table service. A bar will be available to purchase wine at an additional cost, credit or debit card only. 

The Faculty Club requests everyone's menu choices for the 3 courses by Dec. 12. They also need to know if there are any food allergies and restrictions. 

You can use the form above to indicate the menu selections for 1 or 2 members, and 1 or 2 guests. Please include the names of individuals, which will help the Faculty Club ensure that the correct meal gets to the correct person. 

Members + Guests

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