Sunday 27 December 2020

2021 Journal of William Morris Studies

WMSC Members, if you are interested in the UK Journal, a special extended single edition for 2021 to celebrate the Kelmscott Press, it is $25, payable through Paypal or cheque. 
*Institutional and new memberships will need to be paid to receive the journal.

2021 WMSC Members, use the PayPal button below to purchase the Journal.

*Institutional and new memberships will need to be paid to receive the journal.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Making an 1895 Walking Skirt with Morris & Co Fabric


Dress historian Cathy Hay makes an 1895 walking skirt with Morris & Co fabric. The 'Marigold' pattern is here in all it's splendour in a bright, spring green.

Do not be alarmed by the term 'Victorian' as this video showcases two clear principles: "Have nothing in your [wardrobe] that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" and a "joy in labour", for why else would you sew and embellish by hand?

Wednesday 16 December 2020

WMSC Zoom Holiday Party 2020

 December 19th, 5pm EST
Members Only

Join us for a WMSC Zoom holiday party where we can catch up and chat. Wear your Morris best if you'd like! Bring a poem!

Members only, please pre-register by Thursday, Dec. 17 at:

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Virtual Tour - David Parr House


Personal Guided Online 3D Tour of David Parr House!

At the end of the tour, you have the opportunity to explore the 3D house on your own and access additional content through ‘hotspots’ embedded in every room. Watch conservation videos, listen to audio memories and the sounds of the house, find out more through photographs and documents – there is a wealth of information to explore. You can access this platform for around 48 hours (bookings made for 2020 season only have access for 24 hours but this can be extended on request).

The online 3D tour is an exciting new way for you to experience the David Parr House.
**Keep UK time zones in mind!**

Wednesday 9 December 2020

WMSC Pinterest Board for David Parr House

 For all of us who simply can't get enough images of David Parr house, the WMSC does have a Pinterest board!

 Click on the image above to see the board, and some lovely details from David Parr House!