Saturday, 8 June 2019

Tapestry of Spirit: The Torah Stitch By Stitch Project

Rona Kosansky; cross-stitch on aida cloth; 13” wide; “Just before his death Moses views the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo. God would not allow him to enter because of an earlier transgression (Deuteronomy 34:1-4)”. Design courtesy of Ann Logan; image courtesy of Torah Stitch by Stitch.

The Textile Museum of Canada presents Tapestry of Spirit, from June 12 – November 17, 2019

Tapestry of Spirit presents the ambitious and inclusive social project to cross stitch the first five books of the Bible as well as selections from the Scriptures and Qur’an, reflecting on the theme of creation. It is an immersive installation that has been collectively created by almost 1500 volunteers of many faiths, under the artistic leadership of Temma Gentles (Toronto). Visitors will journey through nearly 1000 panels in three languages (Hebrew, Greek and Arabic) including illuminations and embellishments by stitchers from 28 countries who have interpreted these ancient narratives into contemplative, often highly personal expressions.
The award-winning documentary short film Stitchers: Tapestry of Spirit (directed by Tassie Notar and produced by 90th Parallel) will play throughout the exhibition.
Opening reception: Wednesday June 12, 5 - 8:30 PM. All are welcome!

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