Friday, 3 November 2023

WMSC Event: The Life & Work of J.H. Dearle

The Life & Work of J.H. Dearle
Lecture by Mallory Horrill

On Zoom from the UK at 2 pm EST
Sunday, November 12, 2023

JH Dearle

A talented artist, pivotal to the success of Morris & Co, Dearle is still a neglected figure often lost in the shadow of his mentor Morris. This talk will examine Dearle’s extraordinary 54-year career at Morris & Co, his relationship with Morris and the contribution he made to the development of the English interior in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


 Mallory Horrill serves as Curator of Collections & Exhibitions at the William Morris Society and Senior Curator at Emery Walker’s House, both located in Hammersmith, London. She is Canadian born and moved to London in 2015. Mallory completed two Masters in History and Museum Studies and is currently completing her PhD at University College London, Institute of the Americas. Her research explores the British perception of Canada prior to Confederation.


Design 1896, made 1917–25, Designed by John Henry Dearle

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